A Simple Illustration of Bayesian Probability with a Binomial Distribution¶
Suppose we have a discrete set of possible probabilities $q$ of an event E with some prior beliefs about which probability is the true probability of the event E. That is, we have a probability mass function that takes discrete values within $q$ and maps them to a discrete probability space, where
$$ P(p=w) = 0, \forall{w \notin q} $$$$ \sum_{w}{P(p=w)} = 1, w \in q $$We then observe some independent events and wish to update our prior beliefs accordingly. We observe $k$ occurences over $n$ trials, and wish to update our probabilities accordingly.
From Bayes' Rule, we know that
$$ P(p=w | k, n) = \frac{P(k | p=w, n)P(p=w|n)}{P(k|n)} $$We can now use this information to calculate our posterior of $p$ by using the fact that independent events occuring with some probability $p$ follow a Bernoulli distribution, and so the total number of events follow a binomial distribution. Using this for $P(n, k|p=w)$, we can now solve for our posterior for each defined value of p.
This is implemented below:
Code to Find Posterior Distribution Given Binomial Prior¶
## Finds posterior distribution of observed values assuming that k follows a binomial distribution. p is discrete in this case.
numerator <- function(k, n, posprobs, probsofprobs){
## finds the numerator -- ie P(k|p)P(p)
## k (integer) : the total number of observed successes.
## n (integer) : the total number of observed trials.
## posprobs (vector): possible p values associated with the random variable k.
## probsofprobs (vector): this is our prior, mapping a probability to each possible probability
## For a particular p, this will find the posterior probability of p given observed values. This is a function generator -- given
## values of k and n, we can then find the probability of any particular p.
x <- posprobs[p]
px <- probsofprobs[p]
res <- (x^k)*((1 - x)^(n-k))*px
denominator <- function(k,n, posprobs, probsofprobs){
## Finds the denominator, the multiplicative constant. Same for all values of p. P(k)
sum(sapply(X = 1:length(posprobs),FUN= numerator(k,n, posprobs, probsofprobs)))
probabilityfinder <- function(k,n,p, posprobs, probsofprobs){
## Finds the posterior probability of a particular p value.
numerator(k,n, posprobs, probsofprobs)(p)/denominator(k,n, posprobs, probsofprobs)
posterior <- function(k,n, posprobs, probsofprobs){
## Finds the posterior probability mass function of the p values.
sapply(X = 1:length(posprobs),FUN=function(p) probabilityfinder(k,n,p, posprobs, probsofprobs))
log_transf_numerator <- function(k,n){
## finds the numerator -- ie P(k|p)P(p), using log transform to avoid machine zeros
## k (integer) : the total number of observed successes.
## n (integer) : the total number of observed trials.
## posprobs (vector): possible p values associated with the random variable k.
## probsofprobs (vector): this is our prior, mapping a probability to each possible probability
## For a particular p, this will find the posterior probability of p given observed values. This is a function generator -- given
## values of k and n, we can then find the probability of any particular p.
x <- posprobs[p]
px <- probsofprobs[p]
mx <- max(sapply(posprobs, function(pr) k*log(pr) + (n - k)*log(1 - pr)))
res <- exp(k*log(x) + (n - k)*log(1 - x) - mx) * probsofprobs[p]
log_transf_denominator <- function(k,n){
## Finds the denominator, the multiplicative constant, using log transform for machine zeros. Same for all values of p. P(k)
sum(sapply(X = 1:length(posprobs),FUN= log_transf_numerator(k,n)))
log_transf_probabilitydist <- function(k,n,p){
## Finds the posterior probability of a particular p value using log transform.
log_transf_posterior <- function(k,n){
## Finds the posterior probability mass function of the p values using log transform
sapply(X = 1:length(posprobs),FUN=function(x) log_transf_probabilitydist(k,n,x))
Example: Thunderstorms¶
Consider if we observed 11 positive events in 27 days -- as an example, the number of thunderstorms in a month. We want to estimate the probability of a thunderstorm given the new information. Assuming weather each day is independent (which is a simplifying assumption), we can assume that the number of thunderstorms in $n$ days can be modeled by a binomial distribution.
Suppose we have the following prior probability mass function about the discrete values of $p$:
\begin{equation} P(p = w) = \begin{cases} .07 ,& \text{if } w=.05\\ .13 ,& \text{if } w=.15\\ .26 ,& \text{if } w=.25\\ .26 ,& \text{if } w=.35\\ .13 ,& \text{if } w=.45\\ .07 ,& \text{if } w=.55\\ .02 ,& \text{if } w=.65\\ .02 ,& \text{if } w=.75\\ .02 ,& \text{if } w=.85\\ .02 ,& \text{if } w=.95\\ 0, & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{equation}If we believe prior to this that the distribution looks as it does above (with the highest belief in 35 and 45%), we can now find the posterior of the probabilities after observing the 11 thunderstorms as follows:
posprobs <- c(.05,.15,.25,.35,.45,.55,.65,.75,.85,.95)
probsofprobs <- c(.07,.13,.26,.26,.13,.07,.02,.02,.02,.02)
pos <- posterior(11,27,posprobs, probsofprobs)
round(pos, 3)
So we now believe with 0.524 probability that the actual $p$ is .35. This means the data supports the assumption of .35 chance of thunderstorms a day, given our prior beliefs and the independence of events.
Behaviors for different $n$ and $k$¶
Now, let us investigate the behaviors for various sample sizes, $n$, and number of observed thunderstorms $k$.
n <- c(10,50,100,150,200,300,500)
k <- lapply(n, function(n) seq(n/10,n,n/10))
col_names = as.factor(1:10 /10)
row_names = paste('P(p=', posprobs, ')')
list_names = paste('n=', n)
iter_j = 1:10; names(iter_j) = col_names
iter_i = 1:7; names(iter_i) = list_names
dimthreedfs = lapply(iter_i,function(i) data.frame(sapply(iter_j, function(j) posterior(k[[i]][j],n[i], posprobs, probsofprobs)), check.names=FALSE))
dimthreedfs = lapply(dimthreedfs, function(y) round(y, 3))
create_gg_heatmap <- function(df){
mat = as.matrix(df)
melted = melt(mat)
colnames(melted) = c('k', 'p', 'posterior')
plt = ggplot(data = melted, aes(x=k,y=p, fill=posterior)) + geom_tile() +
scale_fill_gradientn(limits = c(0, 1), colors=c("navyblue", "darkmagenta", "darkorange1"))
for(df in dimthreedfs){
Each list represents $n$ for $n \in \{10, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 500\}$, and each column represents possible $k$ values from $\frac{n}{10}$ to $n$.
The heatmaps shows us that the probabilities become more polarized as $n$ increases, which is what we would expect. We see that with small $n$ the colors are fuzzy, reflecting our uncertainty concerning our estimate.
We see what is expected with Bayesian probabilities: as $n$ increases, our confidence in our posterior probability becomes stronger. This is reflected in the fact that we get values that are nearly 1 for the observations which have p = k/n and 0 otherwise. This shows that as we get more observations, the data will overwhelm the prior.
For small values of $n$, we see the opposite: it is highly skewed by our prior, so that we are not so confident that $p$ = $\frac{k}{n}$ if $p$ was not deemed probable prior.
Machine Zeros problem:¶
posterior(1000,2000, posprobs, probsofprobs)
Notice that we have many machine zeros for large n. This interferes with our calculations, and gives us NaNs for the calculations. The following uses a log transformation to avoid machine zeros:
posterior(1000,2000, posprobs, probsofprobs)